Do you Spray & Pray?
I am shamelessly stealing this post – from my wife Pam
Pam & I have been working on a new program for Interior Designers called “In Demand Designer” and 2 months ago it was about taking your business from the Basement to the Penthouse. But as we know that all changed, dramatically.
Now it’s a lifeboat program and we’ve changed the focus on how to change dramatically how you attract new clients and new referral sources. It’s all about focusing on just one thing and letting the results rule your decisions and not your emotions.
It’s tactical and relevant – just this morning she posted this and shared it to her list (which we’ve built entirely on LinkedIn!) and to her followers on LinkedIn. It’s just too good and I had to share.
Hey Bryan,
When it comes to getting your name out there are you just trying a million different places and techniques to see what will stick?
I call this the Spray and Pray approach, you’re just hoping your ideal customer is there at the exact time with money in hand, just waiting to hire you. Let me just say, the odds are not in your favor and you are expending a lot of energy with little to no return.
I’m a big fan of using your precious time in ways that have the best return on investment. That includes being mindful of where your rock star client is hanging out and what is going on in their mind. When you focus and have clarity, your results skyrocket.
I’m not in the business to pressure you to join something you are not interested in. If we chat and it’s not for you, no worries. But, you won’t know till you get those questions answered.
Yours in Elevated! Success,
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